About us
We, like our sculpted miniatures, have grown together with patience, hard work, heart and a hell lot of skills.
After looking at alternatives
Our journey began in 2018
Our budding brand, like every superhero, has its own marvelous origin story.It all started when our super talented Founder, Kanishka (with a background in fashion designing and a MFA degree) was between jobs and trying to find her small place in this crazy world.Just then she did a small one-time gig for a big celebrity cum friend. That miniature and that gig was not only well received by the celebrity but by a lot of people online.

A perfect fit for your every day life
Designed to be versatile
She got lots of enquiries, DMs, and orders.That’s when it hit her. She finally found her calling and her place in this big big world.And if you are a fan of Marvel and if you have already bought into this metaphor, then you know what’s coming next. (Our very own team of Avengers. Less avenge-ing. More sculpting, more customizing, spreading many more smiles.)Kanishka and her Uni friends, also trying to make their mark in this world, joined alliances.
Simplicity in design and form
We’re just getting started
Her friends cum team members together make for three artisans, a graphic designer and a marketing specialist.Now it’s been over five years and our little artistic superheroes are fighting average gifts with super heartwarming personalized gifts each and every day.Say no more to thoughtless, effortless, ordinary gifts with Cake Topper Studio.

Our incredible team are here for you

Kanishka Parmar
Company Director
"True Fulfillment and Happiness lie in pursuing what one truly LOVES"

Head of Design
"Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends work with you."


In the press